Brown Bear Drawing

The Origin Story of how Country Boy Paleo came into existence.

The Origin Story (This was originally intended as an About Me Page, however it grew into a post, so read it as an insight into how came into existence.) Disclaimer, repeat after me, I am not a Doctor nor do I play one on the internet. Got that? Good. Let me be very very… Read more The Origin Story of how Country Boy Paleo came into existence.

USDA Grass Fed designation is the newest to disappear.

On January 12th, 2016 by way of a small notice in the Federal Register the U.S.D.A’s Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) rescinded the labeling standard, in place since 2006, for grass fed meat. This was a label that had huge amounts of support from both consumers and farms. The entire text of the AMS blurb can be… Read more USDA Grass Fed designation is the newest to disappear.

11 Tips for Avoiding the New Year’s Resolutions Trap

Ah, it is that time again. That eternal Monday of the American mind. That glorious morning on which we pin all sorts of hopes and dreams. That morning, that well, usually finds us in a grumpy mood, possibly slightly hungover, and more than likely low on sleep, but this is it, this is the day… Read more 11 Tips for Avoiding the New Year’s Resolutions Trap

Dairy Cow in a field

Country of Origin Labeling is gone. Do you know who or where your farmer is?

With a pen stroke on December 18th, the President acting under the will of Congress, which was acting under intense pressure from the governments of Mexico and Canada who were being bolstered by the World Trade Organization (W.T.O.), effectively eliminated one of the most popular steps forward in the food industry since Upton Sinclair wrote… Read more Country of Origin Labeling is gone. Do you know who or where your farmer is?

Let’s Talk About Bags of Bones, Bone Broth and Eating Nose To Tail

So, in my freezer, on the very bottom shelf you will find plastic baggies. Plastic baggies filled with bones. All sorts of bones, some small, smaller than a finger, others quite large, not much smaller than a femur. Do I risk alerting the authorities to some heinous crimes committed? If you think yes, you probably… Read more Let’s Talk About Bags of Bones, Bone Broth and Eating Nose To Tail

Rough Butchering Chart of a Pig

Grilling…Smoking…Cooking over an open flame.

So fire. Fire, the thing that makes us distinctly human. The control of it anyway. Their is not a one of us who doesn’t get lost in the campfire flames. Whose mind doesn’t start wandering within the dance of the embers? It is no wonder fire has been a part of the human race, as… Read more Grilling…Smoking…Cooking over an open flame.

Fish Creek Barn in Winter

Welcome to the New Idea of an Old Lifestyle

First off, welcome. Glad you’re here. Whether you are a dedicated decade’s long paleo/primal/ancestral person or if you are just stumbling onto the idea of moving away from the processed/prepared and packaged modern food system and life, I think you’ll find topics to interest you as this project grows. What was the motivation for starting this… Read more Welcome to the New Idea of an Old Lifestyle